I love to run. No, this was definitely not something I would have said in the past; but over the past few years, running has turned into something I really enjoy doing opposed to something I would do for weight loss! It has been a slow start for me in the running department for the month of January. I logged a total of 57 miles for the month. Great granted I was out there, but my runs were comprised more so of short runs over many days. Now for February, my goal is to run longer. Get more miles out of my legs! I have been doing other things: spinning, weights, the gym, but none seem to clear my mind the same way that running does. It also gives me a sense of achievement. I have never come back from a run asking myself why I did that! There is something inside of me that always goes back for more: Tries to go further than the day before: Explores a new route. Running is addicting!
My IT band has been giving me problems again lately. So yesterday I went in invested in a new pair of runners! Wow that last pair went fast; I wore through them in the course of 8 weeks. I think that has got to be a new record for me!

My new motivation :-)
Laugh if you may...yes I wear Nike. I have tried all shoes under the sun: Nike, Asics, New Balance, Adidas...and the Nike Vomero's are the one shoe that seem to fit me best. They give me great cushioning and support and seem to keep my ITB at rest for the most part! So when I run, I run in these. I think since the beginning of my enjoyment of running, or at least close to it, I have run in this shoe. It works for me so I am sticking with it!
And so, I Run!
"You have to wonder at times what you're doing out there. Over the years, I've given myself a thousand reasons to keep running, but it always comes back to where it started. It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement."
- Steve Prefontaine
"Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it."
- Oprah Winfrey