As a mom, I have found it difficult to get the workout in that I desire, feel great for it afterwords...and only take an hour out of the day, and an hour for me! So I decided, with having the proper training and certifications...why not start my own? There will be classes that suit almost everyone: woman, moms and/or moms-to-be (pre/post natal and beyond!)...and the best part about it, it gives you plenty of time before the "bikini season" to tone and get that booty in top J-Lo form! Not to mention meet new people, have an hour of "you time," or in some classes bring your baby with you.
I would love feedback from you in what you would like to see in a class...
What your schedule is like and maybe why other classes haven't worked for you? (did the times not work well, poor location, not a great class vibe, no results, etc...)
These classes are being scheduled on the North Shore. If there is more interest in other areas as well, there may be potential for other days and times.
I am forming class structures and schedules now and would LOVE your input.
For the first 2 people to comment in each of the below class offerings, mentioning what you would like to see (or not see) in a class, will receive 4 WEEKS of FREE CLASSES!!
(When commenting, please make note of the class you would like to attend.)
~Bun-in-the-Oven Bootcamp
~While They Are Sleeping Bootcamp (post natal-no children)
~Post Natal/Stroller Bootcamp (with non-mobile children)
I will keep you posted and hope to have everything up and running very soon!