This one is definitely aimed at the little man of the house, however, I do have the pants and intend to put Si in them when they fit her!
The pants are from a line called Alpha Industries... they are light weight and truly ADORABLE. Kai lived in his last summer.
Pants are a size 3T
And to TOP it off ;-)
A vintage Harley Davidson tee from Trunk Ltd. Size 2
To enter:
- you must like "While They Are Sleeping" on Facebook and/or become a follower of the page
Pretty Simple! Winner will be selected tonight (March 4, 2011) by random draw...
And for those of you wondering where these fine duds come from... no, they are not hand-me-downs from my kids closets... they are from a kid's Clothing Boutique I previously was involved in that recently closed. I have a bit of inventory to move and would love to give some away opposed to selling it... free clothes!