I seriously do at least 2 loads of laundry a day...it is so exhausting I tell ya! Well, it's not the doing of the laundry that is exhausting... it's the folding of it all!
I HATE folding laundry... mainly because I let it pile up during the day (or two...or three) and then have a huge ass pile to tackle all at once. I try and do it during the day, but my two "little helpers" enjoy throwing all the folded laundry piles around the room.
And so...there it lies!
My project for tomorrow.
Cause it's clearly not his tonight!
And so, in honor of no fold laundry night... A GIVEAWAY!!
This caters to both boy and girl:
Boys Size 4T Alpha Industries Shirt.
This is Kai's...I have a brand new one ;-)
Miss Sixty Blue Denim Skirt Size 6T
I don't have the exact image for this right now.
The skirt is Blue, no front bow, and an adorable
star on the back pocket.
You wont be disappointed!!
- If you haven't already...follow me or "like" on facebook
- Tell me if my laundry issues compare to yours (good, bad or terrible!)
- If you refer people to "While They are Sleeping" you will receive extra "votes"
Good luck!
Winner announced tomorrow, Friday, night!