After 6 school interviews at different prospect preschools...we got Kai into our first choice!
We are over-the-moon! It is an AMAZING school with lots of growth opportunity for both kids, it is close to home, they offer french immersion if we choose (when he's a bit older), and it has the most perfect school schedule!
Most preschools seem to have a pretty standard time frame. 2-3 days a week for around 2-2.5 hours a day. Not much to get much of anything accomplished if you ask me; let alone help the kids that aren't used to "school" get used to going and past the separation anxiety.
The preschool we chose noticed the higher demand for more days and longer hours, and starting in September (the same time Kai will start), they start a 4 day a week program 4 HOURS A DAY! A mothers dream schedule (well at least mine!).
If there were no schools to take the children away from home part of the time, the insane asylums would be filled with mothers. ~Edgar W. Howe
So excited for our little man. Can't believe he will be in preschool in!
He really is growing fast.