I new I wanted to deliver at the same hospital as the first two. Familiar place, great nurses, and its close to home. So my choices were limited as to what that meant for a Doctor... or midwife.
For me, Midwife was not an option. I have absolutely NOTHING against midwives, I just know what I want and what I like, and I am sticking to it. I know I want a hospital birth...and I know I will want an epidural. End of discussion. Me and pain= wimp.
So, with a referral and my charts, I checked in to my new group of of Doctors for the next 6 months or so. I say group because, it is a group of 5 female Dr's that work through the clinic on their days off from their other Doctor jobs. Delivery is something they enjoy doing and the offer an amazing service to those in need of someone to deliver their child. Through the course of my months, I will meet all 5 Doctors. Today's visit was great! She was so kind and friendly. I feel safe and good about this decision!
And to end the appointment, and start my day of on the perfect note... I got to hear the heartbeat. A healthy 163bpm. Happy Baby. Happy Mommy.