To distract myself, and let them rule the house, i did chores. Half an hour and i am off to do some work! Thank the lord!!
One number, to top the list this morning...Si. She, yet again, when "fishing" in her diaper and emerged with a hand brown in color.
This is beginning to be a real pain in my a#*...not just hers. What is it with this fascination.
It is practically daily these days that she emerges from some hiding spot with poop, yes poop, smeared on her hands. If she doesn't do it while awake, then she does it at nap time, and paints herself and the crib.
If you get the mental picture that is one thing, adding the smell is an entirely different story.
Where you a "Designer" from a young age? Do you have a child that enjoys painting?
What do you do!?
I was watching this TLC show the other day, Quints by Surprise, and one of their little girls does the same thing... However, she shares a room with her siblings. So when she paints at nap time, she throws it in the other cribs too! Thankfully not there (yet). They have begun duct taping her diaper to her so that she cant reach in or tear it off.
Is this what it has to come down to for me too!?