My husband is turning the big 3-0 in a few weeks... wow where does the time go!! Considering we have been together since he was 18, watching the 20's creep past us and the big one is on the horizon is a little crazy to say the least! Not that we haven't done much through those years, you know: bought a condo, had a baby, bought our current home, had baby number two, baby number three is on the way... Jake, our dog, is still trying to pretend he is a puppy even though he is almost as old as our relationship! Love, Life, Work. Wow! Much has been packed into the years. So as Ryan's 30 is approaching, I am busy organizing a little party for him to honour all of his accomplishments in life.
In the words of Tim McGraw, a favorite artist, along with the singer of our wedding song,
"My Next Thirty Years will be the best years of my life
Raise a little family and hang out with my wife
Spend precious moments with the ones that I hold dear
Make up for lost time here, in my next thirty years."
I hope that they are for you babe, the best years of your life!
I think I may be more excited about his birthday than he is! He is being pretty quiet about the whole thing... maybe a little anxious!?? I have heard that the 30's truly are the best years of your life. Learning who you really are; being comfortable in your own skin; knowing what you want in life and from those around you. I am excited to venture into a new chapter with Ryan and am looking forward to a celebration to start the journey. :-)
I would love to spill some party details... cause honestly it is pretty hard holding it all in!! I have some great things planned and this birthday will be one to remember; however, mum is the word as most of it is, A SURPRISE!
Can't wait!
So, a question for those who have passed a birthday milestone and had a memorable moment or happening; what was it and what made it so fantastic! I am always seeking more ideas.
"Men are like wine: some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age."
I am lucky then that I have the best!
Now, back to planning...
oh, and another thing to think about... Fathers Day. I told you, the list is never ending these days! Tomorrow I will be featuring a giveaway in honour of Father's Day. Stay tuned!