As a mom, a wife, a friend, a daughter, a sister, a professional etc etc sometimes life feels like it just gets away from me. I know I load my own plate full sometimes, and that is all on me; but I also feel as if sometimes I am not doing enough. How do people do it all? And in the public eye at that!? Do celebrities and public figures have off days like me? Do they think they should be doing more (when to us it seems like they have more than anyone could handle)!?
All questions I thought would be fun to explore!
So every second Friday I will have a new Guest Interview talking Mommyhood, Womanhood and whatever else they feel like disclosing!
Come join me for Fabulous Friday's and let the discoveries begin. How real are these real people!? I tell you, I think you may be pleasantly surprised. I know I was!
I am starting with an amazing woman. An inspiring woman. A local woman!
Happy Thursday. See you tomorrow!
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