Today's featured celebrity is another local woman. She comes to us by way of Global TV bringing us our weather. That's right, it's Kristi Gordon!
Kristi is an almost ready to pop mom-to-be.
With life in the public eye, an expanding figure and a new family addition, I had to ask her how life (and baby bump) has been treating her.
Check out our Interview.
1. How has your pregnancy been overall? Any difficult times (morning sickness, etc...)
I've been very lucky. I had slight nausea for a month in my first trimester and otherwise was just tired. Since then I have felt great. Although, I have definitely slowed down in the last month. The only really difficult part about this pregnancy was sleeping...I often have a hard time falling asleep because I have too much on my mind or because I'm uncomfortable. Plus, I have developed Restless Leg Syndrome which makes it incredibly difficult to sleep. To fix this, I have had to cut out absolutely all caffeine. I can't even have a morning tea.
2. What are you most looking forward to with regards to parenting?
I think I'm most looking forward to when the baby isn't as much of a baby anymore. I'm looking forward to seeing him or her grow up. I think watching (and helping) a personality develop is so neat.
3. What are you most looking forward to doing on your own (without that bump!)?
Sleeping on my stomach and tying my shoes!
4. Do you generally have a workout routine (before baby) and have you kept one up while pregnant?
Yes, absolutely. The one thing I would urge any expectant Mom is to keep active. It has helped me feel better both mentally and physically. I have been taking a Cycle/Circuit class through the North Vancouver Rec Centre with an amazing instructor Louise. This has been great. Plus, I've taken yoga and other step classes. I just keep going to as many workout classes as possible (3-4 times a week). I can't do all of the exercises but it doesn't matter, I just do my own variation.
5. Have you had any “I wish they told me that!” moments through your pregnancy? (i.e.. Some woman gain a show size, sweat more, can’t sleep...) or any “pregnancy/upcoming mom” advice?
I wish they told me that you definitely need maternity pants. What? You mean...I can't just roll your regular pants down at the front? Nope. I can't even pull my regular pants up over my thighs anymore, let alone over my behind.
As for advice...whenever someone says "you're eating for two now", don't listen. If you do, you WILL end up eating for two....two of you! The baby will still be tiny.
Thank you Kristi for finding the time in your busy life to answer a few questions and let some moms and/or moms to be in on a few tid-bits!
Wishing you all the best in the last of your pregnancy and a big congratulations on your upcoming addition!
all the best~