For me, photography is such an important aspect to life and living! Capturing those moments so not everything is just a memory in your mind...some are memories on film (or disc these days, lol)!
I am so excited to announce a Giveaway for this week!
Just Shoot Me Photography Inc is an AMAZING photography company in Vancouver (and the Lower Mainland).
They are giving us a $50 gift card towards a Photo Session of your choice!! This company is extremely talented and specializes in a large range of Photographic sessions. Pregnant, Family, Babies, Portraits...Pets!? You name it and I am sure they will be there for you.
Please check out their website and join their facebook page as well.
Contest Details:
Draw is this Friday July 22, 2011.
Entries deadline Thursday July 21, 2011 at midnight.
Draw will be by
You will be awarded an entry for every point you enter/follow!
- like While They Are Sleeping on facebook
- like Just Shoot Me Photography on facebook
- comment on While They Are Sleeping's wall or on this post on website with a favorite image that captures your family/kids/pets...or a vision of one you would like to have captured!
- if you refer a friend you will receive a vote per referral as well. Just have the referred person make mention on the fb page.
- make a guess on my bump # 3 by clicking on the link on the side bar :-)
- and don't forget to vote for While They Are Sleeping on topmommyblogs. Just click the link on bottom of this post.
Good luck!! This is a great one!!
(To my readers not in Vancouver-Lower Mainland...I promise I have one coming up that you can vote on too!)