A little later in the weeks for it, as we are passed 22 weeks; usually detailed scans are between 18 and 22 weeks, but we couldn't get in sooner then last week, and of course, that's when we were away.
So the long awaited day finally came!
It was amazing. Something about this ultrasound makes it all feel real. Reality is setting in. Time is ticking!
Baby is growing and developing well. Body, hands and feet. There is a baby in there! Baby number three is on it's way :-)
I now feel like I can be excited! I am not feeling the morning sickness any more; in general I have more energy back; I am finally showing and not just feeling...f-a-t. I came home today with some pictures from today and showed the kids. They were so cute about it! Saying "that's the baby in your tummy." Si was talking to my belly...trying to ask if its a boy or a girl. No, we did not find out. Tempting, I must admit, but didn't find out!
Now time to "nest."
I have felt a little "tied" in how I can prep for baby. I know I have a bunch of time still; but I am a person of lists and organization! I am so excited to start organizing all things baby and all things, kids bedrooms.
First step...moving my office. My office is upstairs, and is housing the future location of the nursery. We therefore need to now build a room into our basement for my office to be re-located to, and then I can begin with the nursery decor and set up. I am already excited :)
So now for the wall...I need to do some drywalling...or maybe enlist in some help!?? This is the task of the summer.
I still cant believe soon we are going to have three kids. I am so excited. So nervous. So...crazy!? Lol. I know life is busy now, and will only be more chaotic; but in all honesty, I love it all and couldn't imagine life any differently. It is the way it is supposed to be.
Life is perfect. I am so lucky.
"Everything grows rounder and wider and weirder, and I sit here in the middle of it all and wonder who in the world you will turn out to be. " ~Carrie Fisher