I am getting more excited as the date approaches. It is hard to believe we are already into September.
My lists are getting checked off and I am feeling more and more organized. Yes, our house looks like a bomb went off, as I have everything EVERYWHERE: Yet, in order to move things from point A to point B, it is bound to be a mess for a short while.
Our wall is being built tomorrow!! And by next Saturday, the painting will be done and my office will be re-located... therefore making room for the nursery.
Si's big girl bed has already arrived... yes, they said 6 to 8 weeks, and it was a quick 2. Gotta like that! Once I am finished setting her new room up, I will post some pictures. A few more things to go. It is looking great!
I figured with all the excitement on Si's room and the baby's room, I better make Kai feel included as well. Plane sheets and an airplane wall decal did the trick and he is IN LOVE with his new room!
Here is another bump comparison for all of you that haven't voted ;)
As the weeks pass I have an upcoming giveaway based on the winner of the baby bump guess, so be sure to register your vote. It will be an amazing prize...to be announced soon!
There are so many similarities and differences in all three pregnancies that it truly is amazing what the body can do and does do.
I have succumb to the fact that, aside from 2 pairs of jeans and a pair of cargo's, this baby is sitting low as pants are not comfortable and will barely do up... thank god for fall as it is time to bring out the leggings! With Kai, I recall jeans not to be much of an option either. Si, I wore jeans until 38 weeks...a week prior to her birthday!
We shall see... Boy or Girl!?
Happy Labour Day Weekend!