Hard to believe our little girl is two. Time...it just goes too fast. Some days longing for the day to be over...I want to take those wasted minutes back. Why wish time by? It only makes our little ones grow faster!!
This weekend we had Si's birthday party. It was a great night celebrating with family. Fun, food and a lucky little girl with many gifts to open. We are very fortunate to have such an amazing family. Thank you!
I never thought that my kids birthdays would make me so emotional! It makes me look at the past moments, memories and milestones... and honestly, miss them! It's all so bittersweet. Looking forward to future times and new beginnings, yet longing for the past.
Her first words. Her first steps. The first time she hugged Kai. The first time she became an "artist" of her own craft.
Our little girl is two today.
She is our princess...strong willed, gentle, loving, caring...Princess.
Happy Birthday Si. You make me a better person. A better mother. Thank you for teaching me. For loving me unconditionally. Thank you for being my daughter. I love you.
Happy Birthday Baby Girl.
A few iphone pictures. More to follow once my computer is back online from the move to my new office space :)
Ok...technical difficulties. Pics tomorrow!!