I have been really missing a "normal" workout; and have been definitely missing my long runs! I cant wait for the day I can throw my running shoes on and pound some pavement!
Now I am trying to figure out what it is I would like to set me eyes on for this year. Aside from running a few marathons and halves, I am setting something bigger in my mind...all things baby going well.
I know that life with three is going to be DRASTICALLY different than the two, so in my plans I need to think logically. What can we as a family afford, not only financially but in time, to train for and accomplish.
I have two races in my heart... and not sure if either will fly quite yet; but here's to hoping, with a goal.
Hawaii 70.3 Ironman
TransRockies Solo3... I would love to do the partner 6 day- but I think that at this point, that would not only be selfish... but likely, my husband would divorce me after +1 week with 3 kids! The 3 days looks a little more "doable."
Has anyone done either of these with any words of wisdom or thoughts?!
Bring on the post natal fitness, baby, dreams and goals.
"Far too often, our progress is limited by our minds, not by our bodies!" ~ Unknown
New York Marathon 2008- Fitness Motivation Post Kai:
Oliver 70.3 half Ironman 2010- Fitness Motivation Post Si: