I am missing not having the time and/or energy (at night) to blog more. It is such a great outlet for me... and a journal for my kids in a sense, and not getting to it often starts to bug me!
Last weekend was Thanksgiving here in Canada. We went to Whistler for the weekend and carried on traditions that we started once Kai was born. We have our turkey dinner up there with Ryan's parents one night, and then on the nicer of the days, we head to North Arm Farms in Pemberton for a day at the "farm" and pumpkin patch! So far we have lucked out with weather, and this year was no exception. Sunshine and pumpkin patch picking; the day was successful and fun!
Here are a few pictures.
After the weekend in Whistler, we headed home to cook a Turkey Dinner of our own. We had my dad and girlfriend over along with my sister. It was a nice evening...and apparently they said, the best turkey they ever had! I'm thinking they felt they had to say that otherwise, pregnant woman and hormones may have been too much to handle!
Being away that weekend, we had Turkey dinner the weekend prior with my mom. She is new to turkey cooking...we think her second ever, and it was great! Needless to say, 3 turkey dinners and some left overs...we have had our turkey fix for a while!
I guess I caught up on some needed baby weight gain over that weekend alone!
Now, the turkey in my oven is cooked...time to come meet the world!
Less than a month!!