Today our routine got back on track. Last week, despite our change in destination, Ryan still took the week off of work. With him being home, we didn't send Kai to school and just took the days one at a time...lots of relaxing; ironically though, not feeling too rested. That will come soon I hope. We played with the kids, did little things around the in some great workouts and watched some movies (amazing... as this is something Ryan and I have not sat and done in A LONG TIME).
We forced ourselves to do...well not a whole lot of anything! The weather pretty much sucked, as we dreamt of sun and sand. We will get day!
Today, Ryan went back to work...Kai back to school...and my Monday's with our Nanny commenced again as I did errands, work and great workout. I take advantage of Mondays as best I can. I cram as much in as possible as it is a day that I have some hours sans kids to get it all done. You sure can move a lot faster when you aren't carting another one around...especially in the grocery store when there aren't other arms lifting things from the shelves as you pass by. Yes, sometimes its the little things ;)
Kai was so excited to go back to school today to see all of his friends. I am so happy he enjoys it so much. It makes it so much easier for everyone...and he comes home in a great mood. Bonus!
Now back to the grind. The phone is ringing again; schedules are being made...and goals are being set.
I am not one that's big on New Years Resolutions. In general, I eat healthy, exercise and enjoy my family and friends... I think these are goals that you often see. I read a stat the other day that something like 63% of New Years Resolutions have to do with weight loss and/or fitness. Don't quote me exactly as I misplaced the article...but it was a high number. The other high number, how quickly people gave up on there Resolutions.
Have you made some Resolutions?
Are they still going?
For me, I like setting goals. Such as a race. For each baby born I had a goal of a race to get back in shape...and I have finally decided on my race.
I registered for the Kona Half Ironman. I am stocked!
With a goal, I find that it is something exciting to look ahead to and plan towards. Of course there are off days...or even weeks; but looking at a grander picture keeps me from becoming discouraged and stopping.
If you exercised with a friend or group...maybe your results would be better? Maybe you may hold onto your goal a little tighter? For me, other people help to motivate and push me. A sense of camaraderie. It is a great way to set new bars for yourself. Just my suggestion ;)
If you are looking for a check in partner or group...maybe there is a place here to find it? Its scary to chart progress and god forbid numbers...but when you write them, and you actually watch your progress...well it kinda gets addicting!
I have had numerous people ask me over the past year or so what I do for workouts...and how I fit them in. Maybe I will keep my "Activity Log" online so that it holds me accountable, and allows some questions to be answered. (For now it is in my side bar on main page- may re-locate when i have more time!)
By no means should you follow what I do. I exercise because I not only enjoy it (i know, crazy right!?), but I find a bit of sanity in my hour(s) as I get to take a breath and re-charge.
So, for all of you out there that set that New Years Resolution to workout/loose weight/get fit/tone, whatever....I challenge you to set a goal instead. Forget the number on the scale and work towards a will have fun doing it, meet new people possibly along the way, and come race day not only lost weight (if that's your goal) but have a medal to prove it ;) (so to speak)! It could be a 10k, a 5k...or even a goal of walking every Sunday...but moving and seeing progress will inspire you to keep going. I promise you!
Anyways, enough of my Monday ramble. I finally had some moments to check in and get some fingers to keypad.
Happy Monday!
"We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong.
The amount of work is the same."
-Carlos Casteneda
"Far too often, our progress is limited by our minds, not by our bodies!"