The Soggy Doggy!
The concept of this company was started by a mom of four that also had a dog...and on rainy days, a wet one at that! She had no time to wipe the dogs paws before running thru the house....and so a new concept was born! Read her story behind the creation below.
I am very impressed with this product! After a weekend of major rainfall to wash away all the snow we had, the mat was definitely put to the test. We have a border collie/ Shepard cross, so to put the mat to the test on Jake's fur...i must say was the perfect test!
~Jake~ |
We often let him out in our back yard, and our the furthest thing from kid and dog friendly, white he comes thru trekking wet dirt and water often. I was really impressed by the mat! It quickly absorbed the water from his feet and he trekked thru without the usual amount of mess! This mat is now a new staple at our back door!
And for my lucky readers, The Soggy Doggy is offering a promotion of 15% off all products just by using the promo code WHILE15 at checkout! Great deal! This code is valid for three months from today~
But for one lucky reader, you will take home a FREE Soggy Doggy Super Shammy! A microfiber Chenille Dog me, these things are amazing...not only are they SO SOFT...but they really do work!
So to my readers with Dogs... enter for your chance to win!
Today's Giveaway will close tonight at midnight. Winner announced tomorrow!
To Enter:
1) Like While They Are Sleeping on Facebook (if you already have you're automatically entered)
2) Follow @theyaresleeping on Twitter for extra vote. (I'm new to this!)
Good Luck!!
Here is the Story of how The Soggy Doggy came to be:
I’m the mother of four young children and one unruly rescue dog, Buddy. Like most dog owners, I was engaged in an endless war between mucky paws and clean floors. No matter how many doormats and towels I left by the backdoor, there was endless mess on my floors! Buddy tracked in everything—water, mud, grass clippings, leaves….
Inspiration for the Soggy Doggy Doormat® came at a kids’ swim meet. As I watched a young diver dry off with a super-absorbent shammy, lightbulbs went off! If that small piece of material could dry an entire child, why wasn’t there something similar for 4 wet, mucky dog paws?
With the skeptical assistance of the guys at my local hardware store and a very patient tailor, I made the first Soggy Doggy prototype out of an orange microfiber towel, some spongy foam and a no-skid back. But I found out the hard way that dogs (or at least my dog) are terrified of the color orange. Buddy took one look at the doormat and jumped right over it. Wouldn’t go near it. So I threw it in the basement and gave up.
But the next rain event came (and with it, more Buddy-mess). I forged ahead. Many rounds of experimentation later, I found the perfect material blend in the microfiber chenille shag. Its "noodley" fibers not only make it exceptionally absorbent, but they also snag a tremendous amount of debris (note to moms: great for snowy boots and dirty cleats, especially those used on crushed-rubber turf fields). Honestly, we were astounded by the shag’s absorbency and dirt-catching ability. But best of all? Buddy, fell so in love with his super-soft doormat that he insisted on using it as a bed!
That is the true story of the Soggy Doggy Doormat®; one messy dog, four untrainable-children and a frustrated-mom with a simple idea. When Brittany asked me to write a guest post for her blog, I jumped at the chance. “While They Are Sleeping” is the theme song of my life! Running my own business is a dream come true. But like many mothers, I do almost all of it “while they are sleeping.” In fact, all of the people who make Soggy Doggy happen, the graphic designer, web designer, warehouse owner, and even the manufacturer are moms! We communicate more frequently at 11pm than 11am, and patiently work around each other’s sick children, field trips, snow-day lockdowns, laundry and lunch-making schedules.
We continue to look for simple, practical solutions for soggy dogs and their various messes. When they are Buddy-approved, we bring them to you! And you can always be sure that they were thought of and refined “while they were sleeping.”
Joanna with her Dog :)
Thanks Joanna for the invention of an amazing product and all the best with Soggy Doggy!