I have felt deprived of this ability; I have let other things take priority...and quite frankly, I have been a little exhausted lately. April is almost over, and it was an amazing, yet whirlwind of a month.
My first post back from hiatus is designated to our little man and his 4th birthday, April 7th.
It is hard for me to believe that our little boy, our first born, is already 4 years old today. Where has the time gone. It feels like all we have to do is blink and the years pass. You have grown so much, both physically and emotionally. I am so proud of who you are and all that you are becoming. You are such a compassionate and loving little boy. You have so much energy and an amazing zest for life. You take in things so quickly; learn fast; and the way you are with your sisters, so patient and loving...so protective and caring...they are so lucky to have a big brother like you. I am so lucky to have you for a son. You amaze me daily....and yes, you tire me daily too ;) You are one busy little man that wants to learn and move (fast!) always.
I love you with all my heart.
Happy 4th Birthday Kai!
Here are a few pictures from Kai's big day. This year, we decided a peddle bike would be his birthday gift...no training wheels. He went from his run bike to his big boy bike in 1 DAY!! Amazing. No training wheels. No help for balance from Mom and Dad. He amazed us!