To begin, for those of you who know a little of our families happenings, it was a big deal to get on the plane and onto the trip in the first place. It took a few years and a few missed flights to accomplish this as a group and to say the least...i am so proud of all the hard work it took to do so. Determination. Health. Love.
The big part in this trip for me was, it was our first airplane trip as our family alone! Sure we have done a few little trips through the years...with Kai, then with Si...but this was the first as a family of FIVE...and the first as our own little family, flying somewhere...period! We have been fortunate in traveling to many great spots; Hawaii, other US destinations, Italy...however all these amazing trips include our extended family...parents, sibling etc. This was a milestone for us. A growth as our own family: And in it, many individual growths. It was a first, and most definitely not, a last.
We headed off to Maui for some fun in the sun and were there for 8 days. 8 days that went too fast. It was a fun trip, a busy trip...for all of you with kids, you will understand when I say, you somewhat need a vacation from your vacation upon arrival home ;) Morgana, our amazing sitter, majorly helped in making this a fun time over a stressful one. She accompanied us as another pair of hands, nanny-extraordinaire...and we even had a few date nights! It was a great decision to bring her and she made our vacation that much more enjoyable. 3 kids 4 and under leave little time to rest and no time to not have an eye on while at the pool.
Before going, Kai turned 4, T tuned 5 months...and little Miss Si was 2.5 going on 16...yes, her attitude can be that "wonderful." At home, days are filled with I love you and I hate you moments shared between Kai and Si; moments of holding in yelling and foul words by mom (trust me some days are harder than others not to say them); in general, home is chaos in its greatest form...oddly enough, I still love it all- yet it can be trying.
Maui brought a piece of heaven...the kids (or the most part) were amazing. Days were filled with sun, sand and swimming:Tiring them out poolside and early to bed. Once we got through the ends of their colds from home, sleep was descent for the 2 older ones. Minimal fights between the two: less yelling by mom and dad...more peace...The few dinners we took them out to, they even sat in their seats and ate their meals: This in itself is priceless!
T started sitting on her own while we were there. It felt like she went from newborn to baby overnight!
Kai learnt to swim! He went from his weekly swim classes of shallow end floating, to attempting the doggy paddle and front crawl. We could actually sit aside the pool and watch him.
Si gained much more water confidence, sliding down the pirate slide all by herself, and going head under in the shallow end.
I think all the kids grew bounds in self confidence...coming home very proud, and that much older in mom and dads eyes. Once again, time is passing us by, yet we had many magical moments and a book of memories to hold on to because of this trip.
Ryan and I had a nice time too. It felt great to just...relax. To not have to schedule anything...aside from our couples massage ;) It was time that we as a family needed...and us as a couple, we are getting that time in very soon.
Here are a few more memories from the trip.
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"Gana" and Si |
Don't think we could fit more into the car- to the airport we go Till next time Maui! |