Kai and Si are so full of energy. From dawn till dark they run, or should I say ride, in circles without a tired blink of an eye. They want to take in every second of the day, in fear they may miss out on something.
Kai went to a couple bike camps this summer: One being a trail camp where they spent the better of the days at the BMX bike park. Ripping down dirt hills and flying over jumps makes for one un-nerved mother...but he does it with a constant smile on his face and cannot seem to get enough! Where did this 4 year old come from! Just 5 months ago he was transitioning from his run bike to pedals, which he did in a matter of hours...no training wheels. To a little boy whom enjoys flying through the air leaving many in his dust trail...mom included.
His confidence is one that has really developed this summer. Knowing what he wants and asking for it, or maybe just going and doing it...we have seen Kai grow-up before our vary eyes.
Si...well where to start. She is on that is a constant surprise. Many find it hard to believe so much can come out of someone so little. She is constantly talking...always moving...and rarely listening. She marches to her own beat and is starting PRE-SCHOOL this year. Hard to believe our little girl is almost 3!
Si will be attending preschool with Kai this year...four hours a day, four days a week. To some, they find it hard to believe this little girl can muster the energy and maybe social strength, to excel at this...those people clearly do not know her. But to be sure, I tested her out at a Dance Camp this summer. 4 hours a day for 4 days. She went with ease and excitement. Not a tear, not a complaint...actually demanding to go and excited to play with her new found friends. She loved it.
I might also add, she came home completely potty trained.
Si has been a roller coaster to potty train. I have to admit it has been a combination of her and I. Me, putting the diaper on for convenience, especially when out; and for her, a comfort. She has changed her own diapers for at least 6 months. Runs to the toilet when she is in the mood and calls for help when she is ready...but dance camp finished the process! With her being the youngest in the class, and the other girls diaper-less, Si rose to the occasion, keeping her pull up dry and the potty flushing! Success! After the week...we have not looked back. No diapers in sight and a big girl ready to take on preschool.
Two down, one to go in the diaper department.
And while i reminisce and talk development...this summer T has grown leaps and bounds~
From crawls in June to near walks this week. To waving hello and goodbye to testing the sounds of "bu-bye." Our baby is setting new milestones, and with near tears i want her to slow down!
Summer was filled lots of great memories, family adventures, friend times, laughs and lots of love.
A few images captured from our summer :)
The Lake |
Boat jumping |
Ry and Kai fishing |
Swimming off the grid |
Friend Fun at the Cabin! |
Until Next Year! (Kai at dusk) |
And the above pretty much sums up our summer and my life lately...considering I wrote that 10 days ago and have yet to post it. Adding the photos to it today, and posting momentarily! We have new milestones already happening! Time to get back to the blog...my time and our memory keeper!