To my beautiful daughter T, on your First Birthday
Hard to believe a year has already come and gone. November 7, 2011 marked the special day you entered our lives. Every day since you have blessed us more than you will ever know.
Being the third child, you sure have been a real 'trooper' to say the least. Going wherever we were racing to get, putting up with copious amounts of noise, and definitely taking the brunt of some sibling jealousies- and yet through it all, you always have a huge smile that lights up from within and shines through your stunning big baby blues.
I remember being pregnant with you like it was yesterday. As all who know me know, I did not enjoy that stage. Sorry for that. Of course I loved the fact that I was bringing life to someone, to our daughter, but all the other not so glamorous side effects, i could have done without ;)
With the first born, parents seem to find a groove, get through the days, and try to not look to overwhelmed! With the second, you tend to not necessarily know more, but know what to stress on and where to just go with the flow. The new stress when entering the world of multiples is just that, learning how to cope with more than one.
And then came you. From day one, you have been a remarkably easy-going, laid back little girl. I think you made it easy on us! I have never been able to sit back and truly enjoy all of the baby stages the way I have with you. You astound me each and every day. From your first smile, to your first tear. From your first crawl, to your first step- third time around, I have found myself lingering- trying to take it all in so as not to forget a thing.
Thank you for making me slow down- to watch and to learn. To smile from my heart and through my eyes.
I love you my little girl. You are a gift and I am so lucky you have blessed my life.
I love you.
Happy 1st Birthday.
Love Mom.