so as i sit here on our rainy long weekend- i am taking some time to catch up on our world.
Ryan and I enjoyed a week of child-free relaxation in Cabo back in March. Yes- it already feels like it was a dream from a long time past. But that week was amazing. We did a vacation without children a few years ago and have made it a must do tradition annually. To be able to recharge ourselves as individuals- but also as a couple- is so important...a must do.
In the world of a parent, there is no downtime- you are always on. And to say the least- it can be very exhausting. Usually, aside from yourself, your relationship takes a back seat. Ryan and I have learnt that if we don't work at it...then it wont happen- to put it matter-of-factly. In order to have our amazing kids- there had to be an us to begin with- and to maintain that... we have to make sure the 'us' is priority.
And so- we had a wonderful vacation, just the two of us.