Anyways, while I sit here in Paradise...I am finding a few moments to put a few MOM thoughts to blog...
I miss my kids!
Yes. Being a parent hold many ironies.... you breathe in children every minute of every day wishing for some time to yourself- some time to breathe, relax and find yourself, even if for a brief moment. But why is it that the moment you do, you cant stop talking about them...let alone stop thinking of all the ways they would LOVE everything about the place you are in without them- and feeling a slight pang that they weren't there with you.
Parents...we are W-E-I-R-D people lol.
Please do not get me wrong. I am relaxing and enjoying every minute of our child free vacation- but there is about 25lbs missing from my left arm, another 30 missing from my right hand and 45 missing from my shirt dragging at the back. This feeling is weightless to say the least and as much as i enjoy it for a brief moment to catch my breathe, I love my kids and cant wait to hold them in my arms again :)
But for the last bit of vacation...i will do my best to enjoy this place...i know, its tough ;-)
I am blessed and so fortunate to be able to have the reality of enjoying this location and am truly pinching myself every minute as it really does- feel like a dream.
On the person/wife/love side...these bits of life to take a breather and enjoy my husband and our time as a couple- there is truly nothing better.